Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Follow the Trail

Three days have passed since I last failed in my attempt to save my neighbor Darnell. This feeling of anger is starting to make me want to head out there and clean house just a little bit more. The thought of seeing this man die in front of me, and the idea that my family may or may not be out there, is officially weighing itself on my mind. I'm feeling the need to head out on the city and search for survivors before nightfall because I don't want to be alone anymore.

I had no intentions of wandering too far from home, because I'd like to keep close to my shelter while not being too far from Pippo for too long. I packed the car ('95 maroon Maxima) with my hockey stick, my 9mm with ammo and two clips, along with some Nature Valley granola bars. During the time I was preparing my car for our upcoming mission I was thinking of where to travel. This is the point where I decided I would take a ride just about ten minutes away in an area known as Pelham Bay in the Bronx. I had some friends there and thought this would potentially give me an opportunity to see if they were still around.

During this drive I couldn't help but start feeling nervous and anxious. It was a true case of mixed emotions after what I had just seen. I noticed a trail of dead bodies leading through Waters Place and onto Middletown Road, but that is where the trail ended. At this point one can't help but think somebody may just be alive to have cleaned out all these walking dead. Now I find myself on Middletown Road driving passed a 7-11 which is actually vacant (there's a shock) to the driver's eye. I had decided to continue on to Crosby Avenue and head towards my favorite Pizzeria, Louie and Ernie's, to see if it was still in operation (I was truly worried about never having a slice of heaven again). Well, my hopes there were crushed fast because it was as dead as Darnell and Mary.

It is around five o'clock now and I realize this is a good time to start heading back and I'll take the I95 home instead of the local routes. Upon heading towards the highway I can't help but notice a man, who looked to be no older than 26 running from the Pathmark with some supplies and a baseball bat. Immediately I realize that no way one of these zombies were out playing softball at the local league fields. I said out loud in a radioless car, "This has got to be someone living!". I made a quiet left without trying to draw much attention and started heading in his direction. I didn't get a close enough look at him, and I almost wish he noticed my car, but he didn't or I am certain he would realize these living dead wouldn't have the neural capacity to drive. By the time I head back towards Crosby Avenue, I had lost him completely.

"Oh Christ!", I had turned onto a dead-end block with three living dead directly behind me. I check my rear-view mirror and realize it is best to take the safety off of my 9mm and get ready to shoot anything that I miss. It is at this point that I think to myself maybe this mystery guy running around with a bat would hear my shots and feel some sense of comfort to hang on longer knowing he isn't alone in this world. Although he might not be alone anyway. I put my car in reverse and step on the gas knowing I can at least get one and push the other two back. Gun in my right hand with my arm around the passenger seat headrest and head looking back I do hit one just as I had hoped and the other two are pushed back. I know I can conserve my bullets and it would be the best option not to draw any extra attention to the area in which this mysterious guy disappeared to. I am certain he survived this long that if he crossed path with these two zombies he would clear them out as well.

It's time to head back home and see how Pippo handled his longest span without me. I, unlike Robert Frost, will take the road traveled to find this guy and hopefully more survivors.

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